Posted in: FB Team / Announcements

Ease Back Into Fitness With Our NEW 2-Week FB Reboot Challenge!

Good Morning, Fitness Blender Family!

Today, we’re releasing a 2-Week Challenge designed to help you ease back into fitness after an injury, illness, or workout break: 2-Week FB Reboot Challenge - A Balanced, Approachable Return to Fitness

FB Reboot will help you build a solid foundation of strength, cardio, and fundamental movement to get your body and mind back in the rhythm of exercising consistently. This challenge is only available through FB Plus. 

The workout lineup offers a balanced mix of training styles, so you can be sure your body is getting what it needs after some time off. Over the course of 2 weeks, we'll gradually increase the intensity and time commitment from shorter (~25 min) level 2 workouts to slightly longer (~40 min) level 3 workouts. 

As you work back into a consistent routine, it's important to be compassionate with yourself. If you need to take an extra rest day or skip a workout, simply reschedule it on your calendar. There is no such thing as failure with FB Reboot (or any program, for that matter). You're here for a reason and we're cheering you on every step of the way!

FB Reboot features exclusively FB Plus workout videos. Your trainers will be Kelli, Tasha, Kayla, Nicole, and Amanda. This challenge was built by Nicole.

You can get this challenge through your FB Plus Subscription or through an FB Plus Pass. If you already have an active subscription or FB Plus Pass, you’ll find the new challenge waiting for you on the “My Programs” page. 

Whether you’re a long-time fan of our programs and challenges, or if this is your very first challenge with us, we hope you enjoy FB Reboot!