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Finished FB Fit in 8 weeks: review & thoughts

So I'm about to finish FB Fit (the OG) today and I'm just brimming with appreciation for the team and pride in myself for hauling ass to complete the program in time to head out on vacation next week. Some thoughts and reflections below:

Overall, I'd rate this program a 4/5 on quality, which is pretty good considering this is one of the oldest programs on this site and feature only Kelli and Daniel and many of their very old-school styles of filming (a voiceover typically by Daniel while Kelli does the workout...sometimes I wonder how they landed on this division of work, lol). These old-school videos aren't really my favourite because Daniel's voiceover can be a bit much-- he talks a loooot when he's not doing the workout himself. But this is a minor quibble. I only had to mute one video when I just wasn't in the mood, but that hardly affected my experience.

The workouts themselves though-- they are nuts, in the best way! I have to particularly shout out this video for being 11/10 bananas (https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/hiit-and-abs-workout-63-minute-ab-and-cardio-workout), featuring 12 exercises done in 20s intervals EIGHT TIMES EACH. This video doesn't give a damn about your comfort or your preferences, but I almost respect it more because it doesn't. I found it to be just as challenging, if not more, than the 1000-cal workouts, and it was as much of a mental challenge as it was a physical one.

To stay on track, I did find myself having to workout through sore muscles, but it was absolutely doable. These 8 weeks increased my stamina, muscle definition, and overall endurance. I can't quite say that my weight selections increased. Their older videos don't focus as much on progressive loading or time in tension as Tasha and Erica do, and so I didn't really notice a considerable increase in my strength in terms of weights, but I definitely improved my overall cardiovascular fitness.

I also noted that the last week had repeat workouts, probably because at the time they didn't have the sheer number of videos to choose from. This was fine-- I swapped out these repeats for newer ones from other trainers, and was rewarded for it with a whole new fresh soreness to cap off these two months. Today, instead of doing a PFT, I'll do a 48-min yoga routine from Marina.

All in all, if you love a challenge, both physical and mental, you should definitely give this program a go (without swapping, when you can). I think it builds a type of resilience when you accept the scheduled workout for what it is, even if it's isn't edited in the newest flashy style or feature the latest training trends.
