Monday Custom Workouts

Hi all Blendies, hope you're all in good mood and health. Just a quick check-in to share my today's workouts.


My "Toning Flow" (6 moves blended into one single flow, done slowly with clean form and as many reps as possible). I'm holding 5 kg dumbbell per hand all the time during the workout (6 minutes):

Curl //Squat // Explosive Over Head Press // Deadlift // Slow Low-Impact Burpee // Slow Mountain Climber

followed by

My "Strength Training with Cardio Interval" (done 2 rounds)

A: Dumbbell/Kettlebell Strength Training - B: Cardio Interval (bodyweight)

45 sec ON, 15 sec OFF (AMRAP) & 30 sec OFF between round

A: Slingshot/Around the World (8 kg kettlebell)

B: Low Impact Slow Burpee + High Kicks

A: Goblet Squat + Overhead Press (8 kg kettlebell)

B: Skater + Calves Raise

A: Halo to Pallof Press (5 kg dumbbell)

B: Walk Down + Shoulder Tap

A: Alternating Reverse Lunge to Squat (5 kg dumbbell)

B: 2 Lateral Steps + 2 Runners

A: Deadlift to Alternating Row (5 kg dumbbell per hand)

B: Low-Impact Plank Jack + Slow Mountain Climber

Cool-down & Stretch:


It's my first time doing Toning Flow (just created my own custom workout last week and I don't know if the term does make sense...). I thought that it would be easy enough just like a sort of up-graded warm-up (?) but I was so wrong! 6 minutes is more than enough to make me sweat and slightly out of breath. That makes it difficult to concentrate to count how many reps I can do.

Whereas for the Strength Training with Cardio Interval, it's the 2nd time I'm doing this. I was sore during 72 hours!

In the middle of the workouts, I was thinking "Oh my... why am I doing this?" but decided to continue. I'm glad I get everything done safely, taking longer breaks when necessary. It's a kind of challenge to my self to know "Oh my body is able to tackle those moves, yeah...!"

I'm a sweaty mess! OFF to the shower now.

Take care everyone.
