Hey, Fitness Blender Family!
We had the Slow Tempo Strength and Lower Body, but I wanted to mix it up today with the Slow Tempo No Repeat Upper Body workout! Today, we will take it slow and steady, focusing on controlled movements to strengthen your upper body. This workout is only 30 minutes and is designed for all fitness levels; whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, get ready to work and build strength!
But first, let's talk about the warm-up. We have two rounds of dynamic movements to get your blood flowing and muscles ready to take on this upper-body workout. Scapula Push Ups, Alt Thread the Needle, Plank Shoulder Taps, Shoulder Dislocates, and Air Rows will wake up your upper body and prime it for the challenges ahead.
Next, we have the Upper Body Focus. We're going for one round of 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off, targeting your chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. For the chest, grab those heavy dumbbells and get ready for Hand Release Push Ups, Floor Presses, Flys, and Crush Presses. This round focuses on the chest, so here's a tip for each round: Think about the muscle we are working to make that mind-body connection.
Next, we will be transitioning to the back. We've got exercises like Bent Over Rows, Kneeling Rows, and Pull Over. I encourage you to stick with the heavyweight for this round. These moves will strengthen your back, improve your posture, and enhance overall upper body stability. Again, take your time with each rep and focus on releasing each rep with control.
After the chest and back rounds, we will switch gears to focus on the shoulders, biceps, and triceps. There is a 30-second rest after the back focus round so we can adjust our weights. Grab medium and light dumbbells this time to keep the intensity just right. The shoulder routine includes the Arnold Press, Alternating Shoulder Press, Front Raises, and Lateral Raises. Your shoulders will be on fire after this round. I highly recommend using light weights for the front and lateral raises.
Moving on to the biceps, we will start with Alternating Cross Body Curls, Iso Curl L, Iso Curl R, and Hammer Curl. These exercises will work the biceps. For reference, this round I used my medium weight. As you can see, I struggled this round, but I would not give up! So be cautious on this round with your choice of weight.
You will only use one dumbbell for the triceps, and I continued using my medium weight here. We've got DB Skull Crushers, OH Tricep Extension, 1 DB Close Grip Press, and Modified Close Grip Push Up. This combo will target all aspects of your triceps, making this the perfect way to end this workout.
Remember, we're taking it slow today, focusing on form and controlled movements with a 3/2/3/1 tempo, but there will be a few exceptions with this tempo on some of the exercises. Pick a weight that challenges you but allows you to maintain proper form throughout the set.
We will finish with our well-deserved cooldown to help your muscles recover. Seated Shoulder Stretch, Tricep Stretch, Forearm Stretch, and Chest Stretch – take the time to breathe and relax as you release tension from your hard-working upper body.
Incorporating a slower tempo into your workout has its benefits. It allows for increased time under tension, promoting muscle growth and strength. Plus, it's gentler on the joints, reducing the risk of injury. So, embrace the pace of this workout and think about the muscles we are working to get the most out of this workout.
So, team, let's grab those dumbbells and give it a shot!
Workout Structure
- Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
- Mat (Optional)
Slow Tempo No Repeat Upper Body
Warm-up: 2 Rounds, 30 Seconds Each
- Scapula Push Ups
- Alt Thread the Needle
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Shoulder Dislocates
- Air Rows
Upper Body Focus: 1 Round, 45 Seconds On / 15 Second Rest
For Chest and Back Rounds, Heavy dumbbells are recommended.
- Chest Press
- Alternating Chest Press
- Crush Press
- Hand Release Push-Up
- Bent Over Rows
- Kneeling Row
- Kneeling Row
- Pull Over
There is a 30-second break for weight changes after the Back round.
For the shoulder, biceps, and triceps, medium and light dumbbells are recommended.
- Arnold Press
- Alternating Shoulder Press
- Front Raises
- Lateral Raises
- Alternating Cross-Body Curls
- Iso Curl L
- Iso Curl R
- Hammer Curl
- DB Skull Crushers
- OH Tricep Extension
- 1 DB Close Grip Press
- Modified Close Grip Push-Up
** Water Break**
Cooldown: 1 Round, 30 seconds each
- Seated Shoulder stretch (look over shoulder)
- Seated Shoulder Stretch (look over shoulder)
- Tricep Stretch
- Tricep Stretch
- Forearm Stretch
- Chest Stretch