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New 30 Day Challenge! FB Kickstart: Strength & Cardio Program

30 Minute Ski Conditioning Workout - Strength and Cardio Training

30 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Balance/Agility, Toning
    • Equipment Bench, Dumbbell, Mat
    • Membership Free


    This ski conditioning workout is meant to help start out your season and improve your ability throughout the season by focusing on the most commonly used muscle groups and motions.

    The combination of exercises in this functional ski routine will not only build strength and burn a lot of calories but they will also improve your anaerobic threshold, balance and coordination.

    Though this routine will get you prepared for hitting the slopes you will still need to add an extra light to moderate cardio component to your weekly workout regimen as you will still want to target your aerobic endurance as well as the anaerobic cardio that you will get from this routine.

    Try to get this workout done 2 to 4 times a week starting at least one month before your first trip up the mountain to avoid the “everything hurts!” feeling that is generally associated with the first time back day after. If you have not been keeping up with your off-season training then you may want to start with just one set of each exercise for the first week adding additional sets each week until you are up to the full three sets.

    Eventually, working up to doing the routine twice a day is suggested for those who generally ski from open to close as it prepares your body for prolonged physical exertion.

    Each one of these exercises has been picked to specifically improve physical ability, coordination, and function for skiing.

    Isolation Jump Squats are used to train the legs to react to changes in the level of extension while still being asked to contract fully. This directly mimics how the legs react while going over rapidly changing terrain such as dips and raises or covering areas of tracks that have not been groomed with chunky snow.

    Russian Twists are used to build bracing strength through the core while still utilizing full trunk mobility. This motion really comes in handy when powering down moguls.

    Agility Dots are perhaps the most important exercise that you can do for skiing as they not only help build strength and endurance throughout the leg, but also help to stabilize the knee joint, ultimately increasing your likelihood of avoiding knee injury.

    Tricep Dips come in handy not only for getting back up on your skis after a fall, but also for giving you extra strength when you need to really stick a pole for a hard direction change or when having to work your way uphill.

    Single Leg Lateral Jumps are used for building the inside and outside thigh, lateral strength in the knee, as well as overall coordination that is need in almost every aspect of skiing.

    The High Knee Step Over is a great exercise for the hip flexors that control lifting the knees, and the more endurance and strength you have, the easier your turns will be throughout your day.

    Single Leg Ventral Hops are similar to the lateral hops in that they help build control and coordination over those legs, but instead of working on the inside and outside of the leg, this exercise focuses on the glutes, and hip flexors in the front and rear of the hip socket. This exercise is also great for building knee strength.

    Three Point Squats are useful in training your body to recover from shifts in your center of gravity. Using the narrow ski stance and moving the dumbbell or medicine ball to the sides and front of your body forces your body to react and work in unison to recover control, all while still keeping your leg and core muscles contracted.

    Low Squat Jump Twists are most useful for those who like to spend time on the moguls, as they mimic the speed and reaction time needed to become more proficient at this specific type of ski run. Others will still get a great anaerobic boost from this fast, challenging movement.

    The Lunge with Rotation is a great combination of a leg strengthening exercise with a balance exercise. This works not only those large muscles that supply most of your power, but also the smaller supporting muscle that help guide and control that power. This functional motion relates directly to the power and precision needed to enjoy a long, fun day of skiing.