Daily Check-in: Fitness Friday, October 26th

Hello Blenders, and Happy Friday (or Saturday)!

How are you all feeling today? Excited for the weekend?

I thought we could have a little fun on this last Fitness Friday before Halloween, and talk about how/if you're celebrating this year? So: are you handing out candy? Going to a costume party--if so, what's your costume? Maybe you're taking your little ones trick-or-treating? Or maybe something entirely different (these are mostly U.S. 'traditions' for Halloween, so I'm curious how others across the world celebrate, or if you celebrate it at all) Please feel free to comment! I'd love to hear about it! I know Halloween's technically not until next Wednesday, but a lot of celebrations happen the weekend before.

Hubby and I live too far away from "civilization" to have trick-or-treaters (though I love handing out candy and seeing all the adorable costumes!), so we'll just carve some jack o'lanterns and call it good! I love carving pumpkins, so I'm super excited to do that this weekend!

So Fitness Friday took a bit of a turn, but hey, we gotta have some fun sometimes too, right? So what's your Halloween celebrations look like (if you celebrate it, that is)?

Alright, now! Back to today!

Are you guys exercising today, or are you resting?

I'm gonna get my #WorkoutCompleteForK&D with my favorite lower body workout:


I'll admit I'm a bit nervous about the HIIT sending me into a coughing fit, but since it's only 5 minutes, I think I'll try it. And if it's too much, I'll just skip the HIIT and go straight to the strength training part.

And what about some good food?

I've still got some of Callie's pumpkin bread that I made yesterday to snack on (it's so good! It got even better after sitting for a day!), and then I'm gonna have some salmon stir fry for supper.

What about you guys? What's on the menu for today?

And if you're joining in on Kristina's Tabata Challenge, here's the check-in for Day 5:


Congratulations to all of you have completed this incredibly tough challenge! I know have a recovery day tomorrow, but great work getting through the hardest part of the week! You guys are awesome! And kudos to Kristina for hosting/coming up with this challenge!

Well Blenders, I hope you have a lovely day today, and thanks so much for checking in with me! I look forward to hearing about your Halloween celebrations too!