Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

New podcast episode on menopause and exercise

The ZOE podcast released such a great episode today with a researcher discussing exercise for perimenopause and menopause. Throwing this out there since it’s a topic a lot of us care about and some of the content surprised me. I’m 43 so it’s definitely on my mind!


A few takeaways if you’re curious but don’t have time to listen (there is also a transcript available if you want to skim):

- Lift heavy

- Don’t stop doing HIIT and sprint training, plyometrics are great

- Women should not exercise fasted (it benefits men but harms women)

The biggest change for me is to think about is a new schedule. I’ve always exercised first thing in the morning because it’s the easiest time to get it done and I won’t skip it if I’m busy later. But it sounds like I would benefit more from finding a new time later in the day. How/when do you all do HIIT with food in your bellies? Maybe a mid-morning workout would work… like 2 or 3 hours after breakfast? I put the researcher’s book on hold at the library because I’d love to learn more about that. Maybe I could keep my morning workouts if I just eat a piece of toast or something.
