HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group February 9th

Hi, team, and Happy Friday! I hope you all had an easy week and are gearing up for a relaxing weekend. I'm really tired from work, again, so I'm ready to bust out the door at 5PM. No big plans for the weekend, just rest and to finally go grocery shopping.

I've been watching ultra marathoning documentaries to motivate myself because if people can run 200 miles on bloody feet, I can write a few hundred lines of code without dying. The quote comes from that, if you focus on how far you have to go, you're not getting anywhere. It's the individual steps that count.

Did an upper body workout with Tasha this morning, this is a great one for benchmarking I think:

My wrist was bothering me so I did high knees instead of push ups for the last two round of the finisher but otherwise I felt pretty strong.

Leaving you all with this French bulldog puppy that looks kind of like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch:

Have a great day, everyone, and remember to drink water!
