Posted in: FB Team / FB Team Posts

Day 3 of the 2 Week Challenge, Workout Complete

Good morning FB Family!

Daniel and I were able to line up for our Day 3 workout today, which was nice. For some reason we ended up including a lot of sound effects and jokes between us. We laughed a lot and really enjoyed the time together.

I almost took a rest day in between days 2 & 3 but I’m glad that I didn’t; this was just right for me today. I stuck to all low impact options, Daniel added jumps for a little extra cardio. I appreciated the gentle, full ranges of motion of the cardio intervals and the mobility work was a treat - thanks Nicole! We (Daniel & I) have been focusing a lot on strength and mobility work and I can tell you that it noticeably pays off in the ways that we’re able to move.

If you're following along with the free 2 Week Challenge, how are you doing so far? Is there anyone taking the opportunity to try Plus during the free week? What are your thoughts so far? Any favorite new features or content? We'd love to hear what you think.

I hope that you’re all feeling great and taking good care of yourselves!

Kelli & Daniel
