Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

FB Blend Almost Complete.. What Next?

Hi everyone! This is my first time connecting with the FB community, but I’ve been around and appreciating it for a while. Now I’d like to finally post and ask for some advice!

I’m about to start the last week of FB Blend and it is my favorite program so far. I previously completed Low Impact 1 and 2 to get me back into fitness after a long period of inactivity, and Blend was my first harder program with more HIIT and cardio.

I have been loving the 50/50 mix of cardio and strength, even though I’m typically more of a strength training fan, due to how good my body has been feeling and how far along this program has got me in my weight loss journey. I am sad to have it end, as I’ve never done this well for my goals before!!

So, does anyone have any advice for where to go next? I would love a program with a similar mix of cardio and strength to Blend. Any more cardio and I think I may not like it as much. Please let me know your suggestions, I’d be so grateful for your help!!