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New Plus Video: No-Equipment HIIT and Abs with Foam Roll Cool Down

Morning, Blender Family!

Many of you enjoyed the HIIT and foam roll combination, so we’re back for a second round with today’s release:

No-Equipment HIIT and Abs with Foam Roll Cool Down

We will use a similar workout format with an additional five minutes for abs and core strength. Our work begins with a Tabata-inspired HIIT circuit using 20/10-second intervals and an ABAB format. Modifications are included throughout, making this a truly scalable routine for Blenders of all fitness levels! 

In the HIIT circuit, we explore new twists on traditional bodyweight exercises by changing the tempo, or speed, of our movement. This is an effective and safe way to challenge our muscles without using extra equipment and resistance. If you like this spin, check out these routines here: Tempo Bodyweight Strength Workout, Bodyweight Upper Body and Core, Lower Body Strength

Looking forward to working out with you, and I’ll see you soon!

- Kayla