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New Workout! Match or Beat Reps Style Weighted HIIT

Good morning FB Family!

Are you excited for a new, challenging workout that pits you against you? If so, brace yourself for the sequel to the ever-so-fun Bodyweight Cardio HIIT – Match or Beat Reps workout:

Total Body Weighted Cardio HIIT: Match or Beat Reps

As you did in the first bodyweight version of this workout, you will attempt to match or beat your reps count for several exercises over the course of three 30-second rounds. The kicker: You get to flex your competitive nature six times with six weighted combination moves (except for the unweighted blastoff push-ups, but how cool is that name?).

As designed, this is a cardio and power-focused routine with a secondary focus on strict strength. Consider starting conservatively with your weight selections for each exercise as you are aiming for speed of execution with the match or beat format to create the peaks and valleys heartrate effect of HIIT training (work hard, rest hard). On the other hand, if you prefer to lift heavy (for you) throughout the workout, decrease your cadence and prioritize strength and power. Only aim for a heavy weight load combined with speed once you have completely mastered each exercise with safe, proper form.

Make sure to review the write-up for a few tidbits of information on the psychological benefits of HIIT along with a couple suggestions on how to incorporate this demanding style of training into to your weekly regimen. And let us know how you fared – were you able to match or beat your reps each round? Which exercise(s) challenged you the most? Did you yell not-so-nice words at me?

I remember purposefully wearing black to film this workout, because I thought it made me look like I was in superhero stealth mode (and could therefore move with a swiftness). Totally worked.

See you on the screen!
