Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

New Workout! 66-Min Lower Body Strength Routine

Good morning FB Family!

If you’re in the mood for a long, slow burn lower body workout then today’s workout release definitely fits the bill:

Lower Body Strength: Weighted Circuits with Bodyweight Tempo Training

Challenge your legs with a variety of squats, lunges, and deadlifts in this lower body workout that will also push you to improve your grip strength and mental endurance. With three rounds of each weighted circuit and bodyweight intermission, the volume of work (and overall workout duration) could make this routine feel more like a 5 than a 4 – adapt the workout to fit your needs and goals of the day! Omit rounds, skip circuits, and/or cut the workout in half. However you choose to tackle the workout, focus on maintaining good form and enjoying the process along the way. Peek at the write-up for a few tips and tricks on making this a successful/positive workout experience.  

Right now, I’m planning new content and prepping to film again soon, both of which make me really excited and bursting with a little too much energy, haha. Nonetheless, it’s winter season where I live and I’ve never been a fan of the cold or the decreasing daylight so that usually means…sit down and think about working out but opt for more sitting. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I need the extra rest and I gladly take it but I know my mental health prospers from consistent, fulfilling movement. To combat “sit down and stare at the wall syndrome,” I have scheduled workout dates with my workout buddies and I’m working with a personal trainer to build my strength, running speed, and correct muscular imbalances. Yes, as a trainer I have a trainer! Maybe I’ll fill you in on this experience a bit later if you’re interested…

Back to the workout at hand. Enjoy yourself! Comment below with your favorite circuit and let us know if you decided to pair this workout with a stretching/mobility routine (which one?). I did a short recovery walk a few hours after filming this workout but would love to hear which FB routines helped you loosen up your (potentially) tight and sore muscles.

See you on the screen!
