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New Pre-Workout Visualization to Enhance Athletic Performance

You’ve heard of pre-workout, right? A lot of people take this as a supplement as a way to amp themselves up and give them an added boost for their workout. Well, you can think of this guided visualization in a similar way. 

Pre-Workout Guided Visualization: Enhance Athletic Performance with Motor Imagery

The intention behind this pre-workout visualization is that you can use your imagination to picture yourself succeeding during your workout. Research shows that this type of visualization actually improves our performance of the tasks that we are intending to engage in (more information on this in my video write-up!). So, if you’re going to be doing some heavy deadlifts, take a few moments to picture yourself doing the deadlift, imagine the feel of the muscle contraction and engagement, and think about what it will be like when you crush that new PR.  

I personally love this type of visualization for any task that I am nervous or worried about and it helps me to feel more prepared and comfortable going into the situation. So, give this a try before your next workout and let us know whether and how it changed your experience of the workout itself in the comments below!