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New Guided Breathing Practice: Pursed Lip Breathing

Hi FB family! Are you ready for a new breathing technique that I suspect is new for many of you? Well, in this guided breathing practice, you will learn how to exhale through pursed lips in order to improve the oxygen exchange process, ultimately restoring psychological and physiological distress. The great thing about this particular practice is that it tends to strengthen the muscles involved in the breathing practice, so the more you practice, the more efficient your breathing becomes. 

Control Your Breath with Pursed Lip Breathing

On this one, I encourage you to get the breathing technique down in times where you aren’t distressed so that you can pull it out of your coping toolbox when you need it. It’s a pretty easy technique, but can be hard to remember to do when your mind is occupied with other things. It is particularly helpful when you are struggling to breathe because of anxiety or exercise and can even be helpful during the labor process for pregnant women. 

I personally love doing this one in the middle of a HIIT workout as it is the one of the few ways I am able to get my breathing back under control quickly (during those 10 second recoveries)!