Two weeks off

Thought I'd share that I completed a workout this morning. May sound like no big deal, but it's the first time in 2 weeks that I can say it. No sooner does everyone start unmasking that I get a cold! I felt bad enough that I just didn't have the energy (or desire, if I'm honest) to workout at all: all I did was some short walks. But I'm finally feeling better, so back to the office... and back to working out!

I knew that whatever I did, I'd really feel it. In the past when I've taken time off from working out, stuff that used to be easy was much harder. I was relieved, though, when I saw that the workout I had scheduled was a nice and easy pilates workout; this one:

But wow! My glutes were not happy with me at all. Had to take breaks doing the bridges that I never needed before. But I was also glad: means that the right muscles were getting activated. Also proud of myself for getting back on the horse.

Anyone else have similar experiences with taking a break, and need to go easy? Or anyone get sick once masks come off? Just me and my bad luck?