Looking for a mindset

Hello! I am almost 40 and have never really been fit and active in my whole life. I haven't been really unhealthy or overweight either, but just a couch potaoe who gets a bit out of breath when taking the stairs. Recently, I started noticing how bad this "lifetstyle" is for me because I feel like my body can't counteract my unhealthy behaviour anymore - I've gained weight, feel very unfit even when only going for short walks and I've been through a few strict diets leaving me with even more weight than before.

I want to form healthy habits now and that's why I'm starting with the low impact program. I am aware that I will not get fit over night and I will need to workout regularly. I don't expect to look like a supermodel after the program, I just want to feel a bit healthier and overall fitter. What I still struggle with though is this mindset of "pushing yourself" and "enjoy the burn". I absolutely HATE the burn and the sweat and the feeling of being overwhelmed and red in my face and everything, haha. I am struggling to understand how I can start ot actually enjoy this and I feel this is a question of mindset and attitude. I know this has been keeping me from following through with others sports (I have done yoga semi regularly but only "soft" programs because the sweaty ones have had the same effect). I'm also having a hard time believing it will become easier or more enjoyable - probably because I've never experienced this. I wish I could get to a better "relationship" with fitness but I feel like "just do it" doesn't quite cut it. Somehow this whole "push through it" thing is causing more resistance in me than joy or motivation but I DO want to feel better in my own body, I do want to be able to take the stairs without feeling ashamed in front of others because I am out of breath.

Sorry this has become so long - if anyone is taking the time to read this and has some advice on how to approach this mentally in a non "push yourself" way, thank you so much!
