Wake Up Your Inner Be(a)st! Day 4

Hello, BlendBeasts! 😈😎

Everyone is more than welcome to join at any time. https://www.fitnessblender.com/community/discussion/21343/new-community-challenge-wake-up-your-inner-be-a-st

For the ones who are already my glutton-for-punishment-buddies (aka beasties), 😅 here's what today's schedule looks like:


DAY 4 - THURSDAY'S CORE – LEVEL 4 (choose your lineup)

WU+WO 21 ': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/6-pack-abs-workout-six-pack-abs-or-bust

CD 12 ': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/lower-back-stretching-routine PLUS https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/total-body-cooldown-compound-movements-for-a-total-body-stretch

EC 10': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/quick-10-minute-abdominal-strength-workout-home-functional-core-strength


WO 33': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/brutal-abs-workout-abs-obliques-and-lower-back-workout

EC 5': https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/advanced-abs-workout-5-minute-weighted-abs-workout


I went with the first option, as I liked the sound of progression. 😉 I mean, those planks are mean. 😳😅 And the core section had my two favs - reverse crunches and wipers. I have abs-olutely zero visibility of 6 pack, and yet the soreness that tells a story of muscles I don't see. 🙄😂

What was your choice? Did you abs-olutely felt it? 😅😉