Daily workouts?

A little bit of background:

I have been pretty active most of my life, Martial Arts (30 plus Years), Became a Personal trainer (about 8 years), shifted to rock climbing (5 years) and now 60 plus years old.

With this COVID-19 world situation, Going to the gym is not a good idea. So, surfing thru the Web, I have come across Fitness Blender. I have seen workouts from Fitness Blender before, but with the gym available to me, working out at home was not a necessity. And, I will admit that going the gym, sometimes I will get into a routine rut. This free time of “Social Distancing” has given me the motivation to workout at home. Surprisingly, the HIIT Routines in Fitness Blender have taken me out of my zone and has thrown a curve ball at my body!

At this time, I am initially, I think that I am a bit overly motivated, and getting a workout selecting a different routine each day, And I am surprisingly feeling the soreness of these routines.

I am just hoping that I don’t over do things. Thoughts?