Posted in: FB Team / FB Plus News

New FB Plus Features! Check the new dashboard of each workout video 🤭

Good morning!

We have just launched the newest FB Plus features, and they're waiting for you now, on any given workout video page.

What's new:

  • You now have a second, entirely new workout video dashboard page on each workout.
  • This new dash contains information on how many times, and when, you have marked this workout as complete. It also counts the total amount of time you've spent doing any particular routine. This goes for any of your individually added/custom workouts, as well. This can be tailored to all time, the last 365 days, the last 30 days or the last week.
  • You can now take & save notes on each workout video. This is a great way to track how much weight you lift for each exercise, modifications you need to make, how difficult the workout felt to you, whether you did low impact or advanced versions, etc.

Have you played around with this new feature yet? The first thing I did was check out the workout videos that I know I gravitate to - just to see how many times I had done them over the years. I'm curious what kinds of patterns/favorites you guys will find in your own workout history!

Take a look and tell us what you think!

Also - just a heads up, but this new workout video dashboard is just the beginning of some other new features that are in the works...

FB Plus is much more substantial than it was 3 months ago when we launched, but we really and truly are just getting started in terms of the features planned and mapped out for the rest of 2020 and beyond. The best is honestly yet to come...Sign up now if you want to be a part of helping us develop what comes next! PS there's just a little over 10 days left in the steep discount for the beta early release, so if you want to try it while it's still on sale or get a year's membership at a steal, now is a great time to check it out!

Other exciting things:

✅The next FB Plus workout video goes live on 2/2

✅The next free workout video goes live 1/26

✅The new 4 Week Low Impact Program launches 1/26 Check out the original Low Impact Program or search all workout programs

Thanks for being a part of Fitness Blender!

Kelli & Daniel


EDIT: There's actually another FB Plus feature that launched with this newest update. Can anyone find it? One hint: It will be somewhere that you "really like". We hope you love it!