Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Nutrition for Endurance Athletes

How many runners do we have out there?

We often see questions from users about how best to incorporate Fitness Blender workouts with running...or vice versa.

Well, we've taken these questions to heart and worked with physical therapists to develop some great articles that address this topic, particularly around the efficacy of strength training for runners. We also created a full Workout Program specifically for people who are looking to stay in peak fitness for (and during) other sports, such as running—FB XT (Cross Training).

However, there is another absolutely vital piece of the puzzle that often doesn't get the attention it deserves—nutrition. It should go without saying, but particularly when trying to get into shape for distance/endurance sports, you really need a smart combination of regular exercise and proper nutrition.

It is important to recognize that in order to reap the benefits of exercise, you need the right diet to ensure that you can properly fuel your body and build muscle. As you get further and further along in training for distance/endurance sports, for instance, you will find that what you eat can truly impact how long it takes you to complete a race.

With this in mind, take a look at some of the nutrition basics you might want to consider in this article, "How to Eat When Training for a Marathon — Nutrition for Endurance Athletes."

So, back to our runners out there...any tips and tricks from you when it comes to getting proper nutrition (including hydration!)?
