Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

Possible to add (Plus?)-feature: "Workout last done on..." ?

Merry Christmas everyone!

I treated myself with the EarlyAccess FB plus :)

I find it quite cool so far! (I've been with FB for 5 years already and I also own a few programs). I like going through programs but also enjoy creating a workout routine on my own. I go through the videos, find one that seems attractive to me and that makes me BELIEVE that I haven't done in quite a while. I start it, and soon I realize it's the same workout as last xxx-day. My memory is terrible.

So, here's my request to the glorious founders of FB!

I was wondering, if you could add a feature which tells you when you did a workout last. Say, I want to schedule it on my calendar, and it will tell me I've recently done it. Even more awesome, to include a sorting in the workout search like "recently done/not recently done" or so.

What do you guys think?

Have a happy, fit new year y'all!

