Legs are dead. Please prepare eulogy.

So, I need to write this manuscript for work. But you know what's worse than writing a manuscript? Starting a manuscript. And you know what's harder than starting a manuscript? Starting a manuscript when you're having a bit of a depression flare-up. Am having some trouble getting my head screwed on straight and getting going. And what better way to put off starting a manuscript and get the ol' brain fired up than a bit of exercise, eh? Sorry, I meant get the creative juices flowing. Yup, that's definitely what this was about.

Been working out more than normal because...actually I dunno why. Maybe work stress? Maybe because the weather's finally turned and it's not so bloody hot out? Anyway, exercise has been happening. Last week I worked out 5 days, but some of those days I worked out more than once. And no, I am not saying overdoing it is a good idea. But if you do leg weights and arm weights on the same day, it's just weights day, right? Cardio followed by more cardio is just endurance building, right? Exactly! I thought so.

I mean, I'm not completely nuts - only a little nuts. Except when the depression really gets going, then I might be nuts. Anyway, being currently not completely nuts, I took the weekend off except for dog-walking related activities, and therefore was fresh as a daisy today. At least in theory. Planned to go for a run, but then it started raining so did this instead: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/no-equipment-butt-and-thigh-workout-fat-burning-cardio-intervals

I realised pretty early on (like, three seconds into 2nd interval) that my legs were NOT fresh as a daisy. But come on, you really think I'm gonna stop after 2 intervals and go start this manuscript? No way Jose.

Besides, how am I gonna run a marathon if I can't even get through 36 minutes of interval training? I mean...I don't actually plan on running a marathon in the foreseeable future. I've tried marathon training several times in the past and it's always ended in injury or anaemia. And after about 15 km I get bored, chafing goes up, nutrition becomes a pain, it takes too much time. 15 km is, like, a third of a marathon. But that's not the point!! How am I ever gonna run a marathon if I don't finish these 36 minutes of interval training??!!?

I finished the 36 minutes of interval training.

I followed it up with a nice, hearty tomato.

(No I am not depriving myself of food, thank you for asking. I get plenty to eat. In fact, my very own GP reckons I get TOO much to eat! And I reckon I could beat her in an arm wrestling contest. Anyway, I was just craving a tomato.)

Now, usually when I do that particular workout, I follow it up with this one: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/day-4-5-day-workout-challenge-to-burn-fat-and-build-lean-muscle-kickboxing-and-yoga-workout. Something something, not enough of a workout otherwise, gotta get upper body in there too, something. Well geeze Louise I was tired after that first one, but you know what? Arms is on the menu so I gotta do arms. They're not gonna do themselves. Nevermind that I wrote the menu and I could take it off. I always feel so good after the pilates/yoga mix at the end! I suppose I could just, you know, skip the hard bits and just do the feel-good stuff if I'm tired. But I didn't.

So after my hearty tomato, it's on to arms. The furry trainers decided to join me for this one, and the cat lent his support by rubbing up against my arms and chin while in the midst of pike push-ups. Good motivation to not fall on my face and squish kitty! Besides the other obvious reasons why you would not want to fall on your face.

I am now thoroughly exhausted, and you'd think I would finally give into the manuscript starting. But this workout(s?) took so long that the analysis I started running last night has just finished, so I can further postpone writing by going through the results and setting up the next analysis. And with that, I'm filing this a success.
