I Finally Love My Body!!!

It's been about 8 months with Fitness Blender, for me, and I love how I look! I have never been overweight but I have also never been super toned. I recently was looking in the mirror and I have been seeing some major changes in my body the last few months. I am so happy with the results I've been seeing using Fitness Blender. I am so much stronger physically and mentally. I've gone from only running on the treadmill every day to strength training and HIIT. I used to HATE strength training but now I can see how beneficial and fun it is for my body. I was once asked by a friend when I started working out 8 months ago with FB, "Are you working out to impress someone?" And my answer to that is NO! I'm working out for me! I like the way it makes me feel and I LOVE the results I get. I have developed a strong passion for fitness and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon!!! Thank you so much Fitness Blender for making me love my body again!!!