Lost 6.5 lbs! :)

Hello Fbfamily! I wanted to share with you the surprise of this morning.

One thing fitness blender taught me is to be reluctant about scale. The person who used to stand on scale every day 2-3 times now just forgets that it exists in the house. Still time by time I check it to keep track. This morning did so, and guess what? I am down to 138 lb! I have lost a total of 6.5 lbs in roughly 2.5 months! :))))

I know it's not a lot for many people, but for me it's a LOT! I don't lose quite easily, I wasn't regular in doing workout in September. Plus I was eating intuitively without thinking a lot about calorie consumption. I guess somehow this relaxing attitude towards "eating with ease but healthy" worked!

I am currently looking for new job, that means I am always eating at home. So mostly eating healthy plant based options with reduced meat intake and zero calorie counting. Currently doing Fbburn, a little bit behind the schedule but I am ok with that. I guess I am just enjoying my "relaxed jobless life after ages"! :D

Here is to the health journey towards the "last 10lb battle"! It's not the destination but the journey itself that matters.

I read all of your posts regularly, you guys inspire me everyday. Have a great day you all!