Well I’ve officially made ONE YEAR of following fitness blender workouts!!!

Kelli and Daniel you’ve changed my life. I hope you truely understand the impact you and your workouts have on people, and I’d like to tell you how.




One year ago I was waking up and having two chocolate bars for breakfast.

One year ago I was too lazy to cook so I had fast food daily, and unfortunately so did my kids.

One year ago I searched on YouTube for workout videos and found: Day 1: fitness blenders 5 day workout challenge to burn fat and build lean muscle.

One year ago I pressed play on that video, I got 12 mins in, threw up, cried and stopped.

One year ago I decided I needed to change, not just for me, but for my kids.

One year ago today I found fitness blender and my life completely changed.

I’ve lost over 80 pounds this past year, I’ve lost fat, I’ve gained muscle, I’ve spent hours crying over how my body looks, I’ve also spent hours shopping for new clothes because of how my body’s changed.

My body has become so much stronger, my mind has become stronger. My relationship with my children (4&2) has become stronger.

Initially I never had any intentions to stay with fitness blender, it was just a random video I clicked on, but after that first video (the whole 12 mins I ‘managed’) I didn’t even think of looking at other pages. I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to strength training, what an absolute life changer that is. But it’s not just the workouts, you communicate with us and help us understand exercising and healthy eating. You help us learn and you help us grow (or shrink ;))

Not only do you have your videos, you have this community, which is amazing and so helpful.

Everything you put into fitness blender is so appreciated.

So here’s my one year transformation as a blender!

I alternate upper and lower body strength training five times a week, I do hiit/cardio three times a week.

I’ve lost over 80 pounds, kept it off and built muscle.

I lost five dress sizes.

I’ve been a better mother.

And I’ve gained my life back.

Thank you xx