Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Gallbladder problems and food intake & Exercise.....

Hi fitness blender family, how are you guys doing??? Well I’m doing okay, better today,

I took some days off from exercise. I completed fb bored easily and I really liked it. I’m thinkin of just free styling for the next 2-3 weeks.

I was diagnosed with gallstones and high chances are I will need laparoscopic surgery.

Im nervous about the whole situation, I’m having to change eating habits, in which I was not doing to bad. I’m reading online what foods can trigger an attack, carbs, fats....being a big ones.

Im concern about what kind do to eat. We’re all pizza lovers and I have to stay away from pizza.

Another huge concern is about exercise after surgery!!! I don’t know when I’ll be able to return to exercise..... that’s why I’m going to free style until after surgery bc I don’t want to start a new work out plan and then having to reschedule.

Please comment below if this has ever happen to you!! And how was your experience.. thank you!!!!