Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Derailed again!

Well, in July I was forced to take a bit of a break due to a bad bacterial infection.

Now, I have horrible lower back pain out of nowhere. No amount of ice, stretching, or heating pad time can relieve it! So I will be taking another week or two off again to heal so I can reach my goal of squatting 220lbs by the end of the year.

I strongly suspect sitting on the couch did this to me. I have been unemployed for the last several weeks, and I sit on the couch to apply for jobs. It is an old recliner and the cushions are worn out, and the support bar just so happens to sit right where my pain is now originating from! Needless to say, I am ditching the couch and standing/sitting at our high-top dining room table until my back heals up or we get a new couch (or both!).

I have been doing all the stretches I have learned from K&D, but if anyone has links to other sites or videos that might be of assistance, I would certainly appreciate it!