The scale is making me mad!

Hello family!

How are you today?

As you can see by the title, the scale is making me soooo mad!

I'm not a person that scale myself everyday. But when I came back from my vacations I knew I had gained some weight so I decided to weight myself and yes, I gained around 6 pounds. So I said to myself "ok, this month or this couple of months I will try to get rid of some weight" So I decided to scale myself on thursdays every week to see my progress. Last week I was on 162.4 pounds but today I'm 164! I don't know why. I accept that on the weekend, and usually on weekends, I don't eat the best way, but during the week I eat very well and healthy.

Three weeks ago I started exercising again and I'm doing my exercises 5 or 6 days a week, mixing: cardio, hiit, strenght, pilates, streaching. So I don't know.

I feel my body is getting back in shape, feel strong and more toned up than when I arrived from my vacation.

I know I should just worry about how I feel and not the scale. But because I set a goal when I came back, the scale is making mad today.

What do you thinkg of this?

Thanks for your support. Ever when I'n feeling frustrated, I talk to you guys and you make me feel so much better!!

Thank you K&D, thanks andrew, and the FBFamily!