Week 2 Check-in

This week was a bit of a struggle body image-wise. I lost weight then gained weight then didn't lose it again then suddenly did (I ended up losing just over a pound this week). It was a rollercoaster for my emotions. I was discouraged and disgusted.

Then last night, as I was looking at myself in the mirror and thinking about my weight, I realized - I don't hate my body. I hate the number on the scale when it's not going down.


I tell myself it doesn't bother me, but it does. But what's more important to me? Focusing on working out and eating well and *feeling* better or simply losing weight?

Working out and eating well. Because I really do feel better, and I'm not going to let the number on the scale discourage me and make me stop. Not again. My tummy might be chubby and my thighs thick, but this body can work.

Anyways, it was a good week, for the most part, otherwise. I got my morning walk 4 days this week (my knee was not having it Thursday) and strength training 3x (I even picked those 15 pound weights up for a couple reps and then promptly sat them back down). I was planning on joining the 1000 calorie for K&D party yesterday, but my body was just noped out. So I played Fallout 4 and worked through those pesky emotions.

Today, glorious cheat day / treat day / heaven, I'm having Longhorn Steakhouse with my mom. This is what kept me on my walk for an extra half a mile and convinced me not to grab a large fry with my diet coke at McDonald's before work Thursday. Lol.

Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you're all doing well!