1 year with Fitnessblender!

Hello Blenders!

A year ago today I stumbled on Fitnessblender, bought and started Low Impact, doing my very first work-out with FB, the PFT. So, today is for celebrating my milestone: one whole year's worth of green check-marks!

Consistency used to be a problem for me: there are a lot of programmes online that have you do the same thing over and over again. So boring! FB is the exact opposite, something new every day and the excitement of finding out what's scheduled. That is what got me here, the novelty of trying a different work-out each day. It also helped that K&D don't shout but are always so encouraging! They keep telling you how to modify something if you're not up to it, how to challenge yourself when you feel ready, and they constantly remind you to be proud of yourself for just moving. No wonder I fell in love!

If I had to choose the one thing that really changed for me after starting FB, I'd say it's my health. I used to be very sickly: I'd easily catch anything, from colds to the flu or pneumonia. I was ill every other month, for several days at a time, and I thought that was just how my body was and there was nothing I could do to change it. And yet, it's been a year and I only had a trifling cold back in November, and only for a few days! It's great to be so healthy all the time :D

Another thing that changed is my mobility. A few years ago I had an injury and for a long time I couldn't walk. Then I could only hobble, and when I was finally able to walk normally again, I could only go for small distances. No more hikes (my passion!) or long walks, let alone running: that would lead only to pain in my joints and days of bed-rest.

Today I'm a totally different person. I run (even sprint, which saved me from being late countless times...) and I can do moves that were impossible last August, like burpes, jump squats, jumping lunges, star jumps... You name it! Moreover, walks and hikes are no longer painful or difficult, and that's one gift I'll always cherish.

For those of you who are still reading (thanks for being here!) and might be interested in my physical changes, there was no major transformation. I had a few kg of fat to lose when I started, despite being at a healthy BMI. Now I'm seeing a nutritionist and have been losing about 1 kg of fat every month since spring. My appearance hasn't changed much, but I learnt not to care about it. I'm so much stronger and healthier than last year, that anything else is just inconsequential.

For all of this I have Kelli and Daniel to thank. They are an inspiration and a motivation: if not for them and this website, I wouldn't be working out consistently and I wouldn't have my health back. Thank you!

Last but not least, thanks to all of you Blenders here in the community! You can't imagine how your posts and words have made the difference in my fitness journey. I've said it before, but I'll repeat it: you are amazing and I'm glad I'm part of this wonderful haven we're building every day :D