Program/account question

Hey, y’all!

So some may know how I’ve wanted to do low impact with my Mom, and sisters, but have had/am having a difficult time convincing them of trying FB. Recently though my Mom’s been getting interested, and even her freind is interested in learning. That means I might have 5 beginners on my hands all at once; which stresses me out a little. I know I need a program to introduce them and start them off right, but if we can’t be together to do it; I don’t necessarily want them signing in to my account. We may have to access the program at different times due to our schedules, so I would rather keep my account to myself, and create a new one we can all access. My question is if for whatever reason we don’t do it together anymore; is there a way to move the programs to my account? Or what if I changed the info on the new account to the info on this account; would it mess up everthing I’ve posted, commented on ect.? I guess I’m just wondering if there would be a way to merge them so it’s just mine again. I was so excited to see low impact on sale, and would love to get it, but I need to figure this out before I purchase.

Anyway, I’d really appreciate it if anyone has an answer. Hope this makes sense! Thanks for your help, and big thank you to FB for the sale!