Spread kindness

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." (Aesop)

I´ve just read through all the comments on Andrews post where he wanted to know where all the Blenders come from. Looks like Fitnessblender is represented all over the world. And with so much negativity, hate and pain happening everywhere, I just thought it would be nice if everyone just took a moment to remember that no act of kindness is ever wasted. FB has such a huge strong and caring community, what if evryone of us would try to do something nice for somebody else today? It doesn´t have to be something huge, sometimes a smile is more than enough. Maybe you could compliment someone, help them carry their groceries (great upper body workout:D)... Let´s try to spread a little bit of kindness all over the world.

Ps. I know this doesn´t really fit into a fitness community, but I think, FB is more than just fitness