November to now :)

So I've had lots of lost motivation lately but I have finally got my mojo back! I am loving abs round 2 and I'm doing a lot more strength training which is deff my favourite style of workout. Was feeling quite flat about myself but I never take the time to just sit back and go 'woah my body changed so quickly in such a short amount of time' so today I did some meditation and took time to sit and breathe and I thanked myself for what I've done... for myself lol ... and of course in my head thanked Kelli and Daniel haha. I'm finally really excited to workout and eat clean instead of feeling like not bothering. So who's done the new 1000 calorie workout that's out?! I did it yesterday with a friend and loved it, -we did miss you though Kelli I hope you're doing ok xx- I enjoyed the upper/lower strength routine that was a real good full body smasher haha! Rest day today and cardio tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great week! Xox