I'm back after 9 days vacation

Hello everyone :)

I'm just checking in after my break. I managed to complete 3 workouts (sadface) through my vacation. First days were going good food-wise and i did a lot of walking along with the workouts. Then i kinda started eating what was made for the whole family, which meant a loooooooot of fried potatoes! On a daily basis hah. And some icecream, cookies etc etc :P

Last 2 days i engaged in renovating a small garden in the yard that was a mix of garbage (neighboors found the garbage bin to be too far away i guess) and nature gone wild.. Lots of shoveling, using a saw and other tools i'm unable to translate lol, digging with my hands, etc etc. I was SO WASTED!!!! I spent a lot of hours there and got to a point where my strength was literally all gone! I couldn't even open a water bottle if you asked me to. Next day my legs were sore which was surprising as i didn't feel i was using my legs while working on the garden. On the other hand i was expecting my back to hurt the next day, since i really felt it being super tired and hurt while working there, but it was fine !

So now i'm back, i'm still tired and kinda demotivated to start my routine again. I had planed to start Sweat yesterday but i was too sleepless and tired.

Today i weighed myself after 10 days, and was 2kg higher. I pretend this weighting never happened. I know i got lots of water retained since most food i ate there was super salty.

Aaaaaand back to chicken breasts and salads :X Those damn fried potatoes though... Why they have to be so yummy!?!?!

I hope to be back to schedule by end of this week. I'm scared i will not pull off Sweat. I'm scared of Hiit, and trying to convince myself to just click play and do it low impact. If i don't make it by the end of the week, i'll go back to a 2nd round of Strong, which makes me feel safe and i look forward to the strength training.