Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Stronger and fitter because of FB!!

Just want to take a minute to thank you FB for helping me get stronger and more fit. For the past few years (4+) I have had opportunities to travel overseas with friends/family. Because I have consistently been working out 3-4 days per week for years, now, I have been able to keep up or outpace my fellow travelers (some who were 20 yrs younger than me)!! No troubles with hiking the mountains, kayaking rivers, walking 10+ miles of ancient cities, lifting my carry-on into overhead storage--all have felt like a huge win for me at 54!!! In fact, one of my sons, who's a fitness trainer, commented to his brother, "Good grief! Mom's ripped!!" Oh, you bet I was thrilled with that! Only trouble I had was running through an airport to catch next flight...guess you can't have it all. LOL So again, I thank you FB for helping me meet some lovely goals and rewards!