HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group June 10th 🌈☔

Here's a thought for today:

"An optimist sees rainbows when there is rain.” – Debasish Mridha

I guess I'm still a card-carrying optimist, because when yesterday's rain started in the garden, I looked up and all around for my rainbow! Didn't find one this time, but I often do 😁

Happy rainy Monday, Blendfriends, or whatever kind of Monday you're having. Wish me luck, I am about to try a new-to-me core workout from Nicole that looks like it will be good for my core without doing anything too terrible to my back. I've looked pretty carefully through all the workouts I've included in my routine, making sure there are no moves that are known triggers for my back pain. This workout contains some of my physio moves, and Nicole has even included an activation workout in the warmup. I am so thankful for our trainers!

How are you starting the week in workouts? Or do you rest on Mondays? I get a lot of working out done on the weekends, but I think I can squeeze this one in before work. If I get going *now*.

Have a great day, everyone, and look for the rainbows!