Daily Check-in: Wednesday, May 15th

Hello Blendfriends!

How are you today?

I am pretty tired, but thats alright. I'm gonna chug some coffee and keep on keepin on.

We've also been having some very lovely weather lately. Low humidity, partly cloudy to mostly sunny, slight breeze, and highs in the low 70s with lows in the 40s (F) at night. I'm quite enjoying for the time being. Because it wont be too long before the hell fires of summer start up and it feels like the surface of the sun all the time.

Anywho, how are things going for you Blendiez?

I hope it's going as well as it can for you!

And what about your workouts? How are they treatin ya?

Mine are good. Did an active recovery with Erica yesterday, and today I think I'll find another total body routine to do. Maybe one with either Tasha or Brian.

What's on the menu for today?

Other than the aforementioned coffee, I haven't a clue.

Finally, another flower pic! Some pretty marsh marigolds. Another spring ephemeral that shows up for a very short time, and is very much appreciated while it's still here.

Okie dokie, Blendiez. That is it for me today!

Thank you all so much for checking in with me, and I hope you have a great day!

Take care, Blenderz!




***Note: These Daily Check-in posts are open to anyone and everyone who wishes to participate! All are welcome here! These check-ins are a way to stay motivated, accountable, and be supported as we all try to be our healthiest selves. Feel free to pop in and say 'hi' anytime, and post as much or as little as you wish! No prerequisites here! Feel free to add photos if you want as well! Whether you need advice about working out/eating well/life in general, just want to comment, or maybe need support during a hardship--we're here for you! So: Welcome to the FB Family, and to the Daily Check-ins! We appreciate you being here!***
