Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

R2: Day 3/30 of Cooking More and Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food

Hello! Today was mostly unprocessed, outside of being tired and just having a cheese sandwich for dinner.

I’m not really in the mood for cooking, but do have ingredients to make food for the rest of the week! Problem is, I need a good source of protein because I don’t want to make it. I’m thinking of buying a rotisserie chicken from Costco and using that for this week. I’m sure it’s ultra-processed, I just don’t want to cook chicken right now.

I have an interview at the end of the week and am excited for that! Trying to figure out a way to take it while at the office; unsure what it’ll be over, but this is my first interview in a while and just planning on sort-of-cramming tomorrow and the next day.

I’m going to take a break from at home workouts and just do Pilates for the rest of the week, too.

I met with my nutritionist and doctor today. Had a DEXA scan and the numbers are almost the exact same, except that I gained fat and not muscle. Because I gained 60 lbs in 2020 in 5 months and haven’t been able to lose any in 4-5 years, they’re looking into a semaglutide and I’m honestly ready for that at this point. It’s really annoying. I do have 45 lbs to lose instead of 60 now (lost 15 lbs in 4 .5 years). I’m the only person in my family without diabetes, and that’s most likely because of exercising almost every day for most of my life, so I’m sure that I have insulin resistance issues and would probably have diabetes if it wasn’t for that. My insurance will cover it, so I’m aiming to do that. I need to wait 2 more months before that, so I’ll continue prioritizing protein and fiber. But I think that my food relationship is super messed up from 2020 and I have major insulin resistance, especially with a stressful job, which is also probably keeping the insulin levels high and preventing any meaningful weight loss. I’m 26 - there’s no way that I should have been having this hard of a time with losing weight since the age of 21, especially since I went from underweight to obese in 5 months. It doesn’t make sense to have trouble gaining weight to suddenly being unable to gain weight. Granted, that coincided with the start of COVID and starting my job, but everything’s back to normal except my metabolism.

I feel like I need something to kickstart the weight loss after plateauing for years and constantly counting calories and measuring. I don’t mind doing it, but not when I’m gaining fat and losing muscle; my hormones are really messed up and definitely need to be reset.