Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

R2: Day 2/30 of Cooking More and Avoiding Ultra-Processed Food

Hello! After eating a cake yesterday, today was very different. For breakfast, I had cottage cheese and fruit, omelette with spinach and cheese. Lunch = cheese sandwich and Acai berry bowl with chocolate chips (was craving this quite badly). Dinner was palm heart pasta - I'm still quite hungry, so will eat chia seeds to finish out the fiber goals for the day.

I did Pilates and strength training today, and will take a break from working out/doing mobility exercises for the rest of the week, then Pilates. I did get a Powerblock Set on sale, so excited! With that, I'll close out my CC for this month (lock it), to continue aggressively chipping away at CC debt. I've been using cash instead of Card and it's been great! I save much more with just cash.

I think that the next time I get a chocolate craving (like today), I'll just get an Acai berry bowl, which has protein and fiber. I did one thing on my to-do list today, and realized that I need to go through a course on how to be productive. Later tonight after finishing some chores, will start packing food. I'm not in the mood to really cook anything, but I can put things together and measure it when in the office.

For tomorrow, I'm aiming to do the following:

1. Make an omelette in the morning and pack it, with cottage cheese and fruit again, latte

2. Snack - Cheese stick and protein drink

3. Lunch - Feta cheese, quinoa, and beef

4. Snack - Chia seeds, Greek yogurt, fruit

5. Dinner - Feta cheese, quinoa, and beef

I do have some cleaning to do, but for the rest of the hour, I want to get off my computer and read 1 hour at minimum, then go back to cleaning. I do notice that I lack interest in watching TV, though I did watch a lot of TV today to ignore the sugar cravings.