Posted in: FB Team / Announcements

New Strength Block Coming Soon!

Hello FB Family!

You’re hearing it first: a new block of content is coming soon, and we wanted to give you a sneak peek of the details!

Our new Strength Block is made up of three 10 Day Challenges that were carefully designed to set you up for success in building strength, consistency, and self-efficacy. 

Coming in June and July, you can expect… 

  • Three 10 Day Challenges led by Tasha, Erica, and Brian, that build on one another as the weeks progress
  • A brand-new proficiency test that will help you track your progress before, during, and after the Challenges by measuring fundamental strength movements 
  • Tasha, Erica, and Brian will be your Challenge Coaches, available in the Community during their respective weeks
  • We’ll have “deload” weeks between each Challenge to allow for some rest and recuperation, with low-intensity workout releases to support your recovery
  • A Sale on FB Plus will run throughout the duration of these Challenges, so tell your friends!

Many of you have expressed excitement about the progressive nature of our recent content releases — from our Free 2 Week Challenge in January to our most recent 30 Day Challenge — and our Strength Block is meant to help you keep the momentum going. Join us for one, two, or all three of the 10 Day Challenges and track your progress along the way. 

In the coming weeks, Tasha, Erica, and Brian will be sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses and more information about their respective Challenges — so stay tuned! In the meantime, take a look at the photo above for a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes team's content planning document. It's a great representation of all the hard work, organization, and detail that goes into bringing you the workout challenges and programs you love. 

As always, thank you so much for being a part of the Fitness Blender Community. We’re so glad you’re here.

– FB Team