My Workout & My Day

Good morning everyone and we are almost to the end of the week to start into the weekend and I'm so looking forward to next week because I have three days off from work. I'm at the end of week 5 for the workout program that I'm currently doing at the moment and my lower body and arms are feeling it from the workout the other day and are feeling it even more after the workout I had this morning. It was a HIIT and strength workout with Kellie and my lower body was feeling it by the end of the workout, it makes you break a sweat though in under 30 mins you will be sweating big time I know that I was for sure.

We've been having so weird weather going on for the past month or so it will be sunny for a week or longer and then it will rain for a good amount of days, then it will be sunny again. But the nice thing is that it's starting to warm up a lot to where we will start to be able to swim in the river again and enjoy the beauty of it and the coolness of it too, which will feel really nice for when we are really breaking a sweat.