Weak Neck Muscles

I think my neck muscles are particularly weak (or perhaps they are normal strength but my giant brain is just too heavy for them! :) Wondering if this is common and anyone else here experiences it?

For core workouts I often have to use one or both hands/fingertips to support my head, not just to avoid straining my neck, but to even be able to concentrate on whether or not I'm engaging my core properly. So I think it does help to isolate the muscles I'm supposed to be working.

In Amanda's Day 10 workout she even suggested using a yoga block or rolled up towel to support the head during one of the intervals.

But I've always wondered why my neck muscles don't get stronger (I only start using my hands to support when I feel a strain or that it's preventing me from focusing on my core) and now aso wonder if I shouldn't be doing something in particular to strengthen those muscles. Has anyone heard of focusing on this?

I wonder if I should do more upright rows or shoulder shrugs during upper body workouts - they aren't the most common exercise throughout the UB strength workouts so maybe it would help! But I'm not totally sure that the trapezius muscle is what i need to strengthen to be able to hold my head up better in a supine position.
