Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Day 14/30: Cooking More and Eating Less Unprocessed Food

Hi! I have frozen the quiche, but may bring the egg white quiche into the office for someone else to eat it, because I truly hate it. I’m not a fan of the office, but I still want to somehow eat it, just not unsure how. Freezing it will buy at least 3 months of time 😂.

The nutritionist mentioned to mix a little of egg whites to regular eggs instead of only egg whites. Ironically, I’m all out of eggs. I’m also out of salmon/chicken, too.

It’s cheaper to buy whole chicken versus buying portions at work. I have frozen Tso chicken that I made since I’m quite tired of going to the grocery shop. I’ve been shopping every other day.

How often do you do your shopping? And how do you get more protein in your diet?

The nutritionist wants me to aim for 30 grams of protein per meal, 15-20 per snack. No calorie counting yet. And at least 25 grams of fiber. Ironically, this diet could be called volume eating or low carb.

I made lentil soup in the slow cooker, with celery and carrots. I also cooked pre-made chicken (heating it up) and steamed frozen broccoli. I’ll be taking all 3 into work until Wednesday or so.

I do have some raw fish in the freezer that I bought on sale, but I have no clue/have never cleaned a fish before. I have sardines and tuna.

I do have some canned tuna that I may use for protein instead of going to the shop again; I can add celery and carrots to it, too!

What are your favorite tuna recipes?

The only thing I have remaining to do is to make chia, Greek yogurt, and fruit snacks/breakfast. I still have 2 more scones remaining. I like the idea of having omelettes for dinner, so I’ll probably have egg white omelettes this week to finish out the week; it’s super easy to do it.

Only downside is that I feel like all I think about now is cooking, meals, and what recipes to make. I’ve been continuing to drink more water and have been adding cinnamon to coffee/sugar which has helped.

I had a protein drink that made me tired, probably due to too many carbs/sugar (27 grams of carbs, 26 added grams of sugar, 17 grams of protein). Same with an almond latte I got (100 calories, 17 grams of carbs, 5 grams protein).

I probably need to drink half of the protein drink throughout the day versus drinking the entire thing with my lunch. I do need to find a decent protein drink without sugar/dairy, mainly because I don’t want to continue to buy/cook meat.
