My Workout & My Day

Good morning everyone how was everyone's weekend mine was really busy at work there was a lot of people there and there was a lots of things to do and get done and out on the floor. I completed my workout for today it was a core workout with Daniel and my core was feeling it after the workout. But I'm making good progress on the workout program that I'm doing at the moment and I have no idea at the moment which one I'm going to be doing after I'm all done with this program.

So everyone is getting their job done and doing what they are suppose to be doing in the Apparel section and not having almost everyone doing the same job or task, and it's looking really nice out on the floor with all the new clothes we've been bringing out from the back. Everyone's been buying them like crazy and lot of them which is good for us because then they are getting sold and it makes it to where we can bring more of them out on the floor and refill them again.