HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 17th

Happy Wednesday friends!

Today will be a busy busy day. I hope to get a workout in either at home or at the gym. It all depends on the weather and how late I have to stay today. if it is not raining I think I want to do a short run. My legs are asking for it.

Leftover tortilla and salad for dinner and still some organizing to do. I had good intentions yesterday but I was just so exhausted. I was falling asleep sitting up. I think the weather is getting to me. I don't know how Julia is surviving. Right now it is sunny and beautiful.

Since I have no motivating quote or thought to provide today. Instead, I have a photo taken through a hole in a gate. It shows the city of Rapallo in Italy. If you walk slow and really look at your surroundings you can find little pockets of beauty.

So off too it friends, the week is half over (almost).
