Perspiration Pals Sunday April 14, 2024

Happy Sunday Ppals!

I hope you are all doing well. I started the new FB 30 day challenge yesterday! All the stars aligned for me. I am in just the right time zone and I started doing my workout yesterday at just the right time so that the first workout was newly available. I didn't plan that. I was excited to be one of the first few people to mark that video complete (the fifth).

If was fun and entertaining to workout with both Kelli and Daniel again and listen their banter as I was exercising. I followed Kelli who was doing the low impact bodyweight version. That is what my body needed. I probably won't be doing day 2 today as I will have to wait until 8 pm for the video to be available. We'll see. I had planned on starting Monday so I am on track but I will be ok if it takes me more than 30 days to do it. I like to add in extra recovery days.

In other news I am going to book club this afternoon. The group got off track during covid because everyone didn't want to meet by zoom. Now we meet every couple of months to talk and catch up. No book yet so we don't even have to pretend to talk about the book for a few minutes. Actually this group had been going strong for years way before I joined, Once a year we laid out the books for the year, one a month, who lead the discussion and who would host the meeting. It will be good to see everyone. Maybe we will get back to picking out a book to read.

On to food! I placed my produce order yesterday so I look forward to having fresh produce to this week (strawberries, yellow and green squash, cabbage and bananas and probably something else I am forgetting). Today I'll have leftover spaghetti with tomato sauce and frozen peas and carrots.

Now over to you. How is your weekend going? I would like to hear all about it.
