Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Days 6 and 7/30: Eating Unprocessed Food and Cooking more

Hi! Forgot to respond yesterday, still have taxes to file and then had an anniversary dinner for family today

On Friday, I honestly didn’t eat that well. I promised myself just one sweet per day, but I had a brownie, Lavendar latte, and breakfast sandwich from a local coffee shop. Probably 10-11. I noticed that I need to give myself some reward for driving into work/coming back.

I was working and took a long walk, then had a Bundt cake, then went to a long meeting. For dinner, I had another omelette.

For Day 7: for breakfast I had potatoes with salt. I just cut several small potatoes and fried them while cleaning - it took forever to cook, so I stayed away a long time and was able to get minor errands done. Potatoes were surprisingly filling - usually just eggs fill me up, but this was more.

Then I had a Nashville burger with coleslaw. This was spicy and so I became bloated. I originally wanted to order marshmallow pancakes, but went for the protein option.

For dinner, I had Indian food from this restaurant, but it was too spicy and I didn’t eat that much - had some chicken chill pepper, 1 naan, and butter chicken. I didn’t really like any of it. Then I had some tea, but it was too sweet and I threw it away after a few sips. I had chocolate cake (1 slice), but it tasted weird so I just ate the chocolate coating and didn’t have the rest. I had a little of brioche bread and milk bread.

Honestly, outside of sweets, savory food ordered out is so gross. I was really disappointed by the restaurant since I couldn’t taste any of the flavors, just tons of pepper. I like cooking, so it was disappointed that I paid a ton of money for something I could have done better.

I do get Bundt cakes or brownies because I would binge eat everything if I were to make a batch at home.

I bought a couple of cook books on my way back and am interest in the spice one. I have an idea of doing the recipe I did last week and finding a new recipe and trying it out this week. I need to go grocery shopping for greens.
