Weekend Check-Ins: Saturday, April 13👻

Hiiii beautiful Blendfriendz 🌼🤗

Welcome to Daily Check Ins, Weekend additions, aka Ghosting (guest hosting)!

It's a beautiful Saturday morning, 60ish°f with almost clear sky.

You'll be stuck with my rather dull and short posts and in today's case pictur-less, this weekend! I'm not worried because i know you'll add pics and fun to it with your awesome inputs 🫠

So, let's start with some movements. How about them? I have 3 choices of I think total body that I already have swapped to pick one for today. I have no idea what they are and which one I'll pick. I'll share a link when I complete one. How about you guys? Please share with us any activities you're doing and any recovery, rest or adventures your day brings you.

No transition to foods but do we even need it? When we're hungry, all we need is foods! So let's talk it😋🤤. I'm thinking spaghetti with some bell peppers, celery and carrots thrown in the sauce. Those items crucially need to be used! Now your turn to share you deliciousness🍜🥗

Still no questions popping! So, let's just bring this post to end and turn it over to you. I'm looking forward to reading, learning from and getting inspired by you. Thank you so much for checking in with me in advance!

See you guys soon💛