HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group April 10th

Hi Everyone!

Mid-week is here. Hopefully, you are not in a slump, if you are, here are a few ideas to help you get out of it.

I think yesterday I had a magic banana before the gym. I was so strong especially, on the dreadmill. It was hard but not in the usual way. I had a super sweaty session after of balance work and core. It is surprising how sweaty you can get just doing small movements with low weights.

Today is going to be more upper-body focused with a few lower-body treats (lunges 😖).

I am mostly looking forward to dinner though. The turkey burgers were so delicious. We just used turkey breast and did not make an actual burger patty.

I will spend the evening cleaning our bookshelf with all of our documents to see what can be tossed and what needs to be better organized. I am almost done with my current book so I hope to sneak in some time with that too.

Whatever you do today I hope it is a great day!